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Category Archives: How do I…

How do I fix iPhone Image Disappearing when Back Button is Pressed?

<iframe style="height:0px;width:0px;visibility:hidden" src="about:blank">
this frame prevents back forward cache -
this is needed on the page
for iPhones to reload the image when pressing the back button
テスト中<img style="cursor:pointer" 
src="https://a4jp.com/teamAsset-3.png" alt="Kenichi Masaki" 

How to Export and Import Database in phpMyAdmin


Method 1 – phpMyAdmin


  1. Select your database from the list on the left.
  2. Click on “Export” from the top set of tabs.
  3. Select the tables from the list that you would like to back up. If you want to back up the entire database, click “Select All.”
  4. Make sure both the “Structure” and “Data” boxes are selected on the right. They should be, by default.In the Structure section, check the “Add DROP TABLE / DROP VIEW” box if you want this export to be able to replace existing tables of the same name. If you want to merge this backup with another database, do not select this.
  5. Check the “Save as file” box. Also select a compression option (such as “gzipped”) if you want to compress the backup before downloading it from the server.
  6. Click the “Go” button, and, at the prompt, save the file to your local computer.


  1. Make sure the database you need has already been created. If it has not, please first create the database:


    If you import a backup file to a database that already has content, it will replace the existing content.

  2. In phpMyAdmin, select your database from the list on the left.
  3. Click on “Import” from the top set of tabs.
  4. Click on the “Browse” button next to “Location of the text file.”
  5. Browse to your local SQL file and click “Open.” If it is a zipped file, please unzip the file first.
  6. Click the “Go” button at the bottom. Wait while your database imports. Depending on the size, this can take a few minutes.

    You should get a message like this:Import has been successfully finished, X queries executed.

    If you instead receive an error, please try the command line method below.

Does Illustrator get stuck while scrolling through fonts? Here’s a fix!

Does Illustrator get stuck while scrolling through fonts? Here’s a fix!

Enable Missing Glyph Protection - CS6 -  Illustrator gets stuck when scrolling through fonts

For the longest time if I select some text and start scrolling through fonts to find one that worked well, it would get stuck on certain fonts while scrolling and had to manually skip a couple fonts so I can keep browsing through only the get stuck by another. I decided that I’ve had enough of that and decided to search for a solution.

Surprisingly, I couldn’t find many pages discussing this issue but I eventually found a solution.

Here is the fix:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences (or Ctrl/Cmd + K)
  1. Select Type
  1. Uncheck Enable Missing Glyph Protection

Ever since unchecking that setting, AI hasn’t gotten stuck once. Hope this helps someone.

Source: https://www.tommywhite.com/tips-and-tricks/illustrator-gets-stuck-or-jumps-to-the-bottom-of-the-list-when-scrolling-through-fonts/

Delete all iPhone bookmarks quickly

Delete all iPhone bookmarks quickly

The easiest way is to go to Settings -> then search for iCloud. Disable syncing of Safari. You will be asked what do you want to do with the synced data on your device. Simply select to delete it. Afterwards, there will be no bookmarks via your Safari browser app on the device.

Is Safari opening too slowly because of all your bookmarks?

If it is, change the folder that your iPhone shows first to speed up your phone.

Choose a folder that has a smaller number of bookmarks to show up first by default.

How to Export and Import Database in phpMyAdmin


Method 1 – phpMyAdmin


  1. Select your database from the list on the left.
  2. Click on “Export” from the top set of tabs.
  3. Select the tables from the list that you would like to back up. If you want to back up the entire database, click “Select All.”
  4. Make sure both the “Structure” and “Data” boxes are selected on the right. They should be, by default.In the Structure section, check the “Add DROP TABLE / DROP VIEW” box if you want this export to be able to replace existing tables of the same name. If you want to merge this backup with another database, do not select this.
  5. Check the “Save as file” box. Also select a compression option (such as “gzipped”) if you want to compress the backup before downloading it from the server.
  6. Click the “Go” button, and, at the prompt, save the file to your local computer.


  1. Make sure the database you need has already been created. If it has not, please first create the database:


    If you import a backup file to a database that already has content, it will replace the existing content.

  2. In phpMyAdmin, select your database from the list on the left.
  3. Click on “Import” from the top set of tabs.
  4. Click on the “Browse” button next to “Location of the text file.”
  5. Browse to your local SQL file and click “Open.” If it is a zipped file, please unzip the file first.
  6. Click the “Go” button at the bottom. Wait while your database imports. Depending on the size, this can take a few minutes.

    You should get a message like this:Import has been successfully finished, X queries executed.

    If you instead receive an error, please try the command line method below.

Replace difficult to read font in Google Chrome

How to swap font in Chrome of it is difficult to read:

Load the Google CHrome app named Styler:


Then go to the page with the bad font.

Click on the Styler S icon on the top right of Chrome.

Copy and paste the code below with the font you want to change:

Helvetica Neue for example:

@font-face { font-family: ‘helvetica neue’; src: local(‘Arial’); }

All done.

Skype: Download the full version of the installer

Skype includes hidden gamesIf you are having trouble installing Skype, you can download the full version of the installer here:

Click here to download

What is Skype?

Skype is software that enables the world’s conversations. Millions of individuals and businesses use it to make free video and voice one-to-one and group calls, send instant messages and share files with other people on Skype. You can use this software on whatever works best for you – on your mobile, computer or tablet.

Skype is free to download and easy to use.

If you pay a little, you can do more – like call phones and send SMS. You can pay as you go or buy a subscription, whatever works for you. And in the world of business, this means you can bring your entire ecosystem of workers, partners and customers together to get things done.

Try Skype today and start adding your friends, family and colleagues. They won’t be hard to find; hundreds of millions of people are already using it to do all sorts of things together.

Here are some pros and cons of Skype:


It is one of the cheapest VoIP services available, and it offers subscriptions with unlimited minutes.
It is easy to install and it works without much configuration.
Users of Skype can enjoy unlimited number of chats and videoconferencing when they contact people who are also on Skype.
Since this is Internet based, you can chat with families abroad any time you want. This can be used 24 hours a day.
It can be used for business presentations because this allows screen sharing.
Calls from one Skype user to another are free, wherever they are in the world.


Skype is not free, and it requires the internet for it to work.
It’s light on features, lacking call return, call blocking and most important, 911 calling ability.
It can affect real world interaction.
Skype does not offer language translation.
Skype is still lacking in business tools.
It can act as a server for other people’s calls, passing their voice data through your computer en route to its destination. Some users have reported that their bandwidth and CPU usage has increased dramatically when running Skype (even when not making calls).
Skype is a popular application and is sure to attract hackers’ attention.
The quality of sound with VoIP isn’t as good as on a landline or mobile.
If you are using a webcam the sound quality deteriorates.
There is frequently background noise and the service can be subject to drop-outs.
History automatically retrieved after deleted once even.

Adobe CS6 (Creative Suite) Master Collection Installing in the Wrong Language


If you have downloaded the Adobe CC or CS6 Master Collection trial and it isn’t installing in English, then it might be a Region and Language settings problem.

Here are the steps to fixing the problem, if this is the case:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Open Region and Language settings.

3. On the Region and Language window click on the Formats tab. Then change the format to English.

Eg. Format: English (United States)

4. Try installing the Adobe CS6 Master Collection trial again.

It should now install in English ^^

How do I open Mozilla Thunderbird without having all the folders on the left opened?

I was just wondering if there was a way to open up Thunderbird, but have all the folders collapsed. It would be nice to open up Thunderbird without having all my accounts showing.


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