1500円~ + 税金
60円/分~ + 材料費 + 税金
30,000円~ + 税金
Base Design Fees
Starting at 1,500 yen + tax
60 yen/minute + materials + tax
Outsourcing Service Fee
Depending on the project, usually starting around 30,000 yen + tax
作品および著作権について、協議し同意がなければ自由に使用することはできません。お客様と諸条件について協議し、その諸条件にグレン チャールズ ロウ(代表)が同意し、次にお客様からの全てのお支払いが完了するまでは、作品および著作権は グレン チャールズ ロウ(代表)に帰属します。お支払い完了後も、作品および著作権の使用については、協議の上同意がなければ自由に使用することはできませんのでご注意ください。
Copyright, Ownership, Usage…
Work, designs and/or goods supplied cannot be used freely without consultation or consent.
All work, designs and/or goods supplied, remain the property of Glen Charles Rowell until full payment has been received from the Client and ownership has been previously negotiated and agreed on.
The ownership of any work, designs and/or goods supplied shall also be retained by Glen Charles Rowell until full payment has been received from the Client and ownership has been previously negotiated and agreed on.
If our company name or a name has been placed on a website it may not be removed unless agreed to. This is mainly with discount websites. For example, we do more work than usual and promote your site in return for a link at the bottom of the website.
1ヶ月後 110% → 2ヶ月後 110%+10%…
Late Fees for Non-Payment: +10%
If payment is not received within 30 days, a late payment fee of 10% will be applied.
110% after the 1st 30 days → 110% + 10% after the second month…
最低翻訳料金 2000円(税別)
Translation Fees:
Fees vary on the difficulty of the translation work.
Translations from 2,000 yen + tax.
Rough translations fees are about 10 to 20 yen per word + tax.
Eg. An A4 sized contract might cost about 5,000 yen + tax.
How many words fit on an A4 sheet?
An A4 sheet has an average of 350 to 400 words, so if each word contains about 5 to 6 characters there would be about 1750 to 2400 characters.
The average English sentence contains 11 words, and one A4 sheet contains an average of 32 to 35 sentences. When comparing Japanese to English, English words have spaces and Japanese characters are usually double the size of English characters. If you write in Japanese, you will fit about 1200 characters on a page, but more if you squash the characters together. would fit on the A4 paper. However, this does apply to a relatively full A4 sheet with a standard layout and filled with 80 to 90% of text.
1,300円~(作業料金 60円/分~ + 税金)
モデルさん、タレントさん、ミュージシャンなどのプロフィール用宣材写真や、社長様ポートレート、著作者紹介用、選挙ポスター等ご用途に応じてお客様の魅力を最大限引き出した写真をご提供致します。 モニタでご自身にチェックしていただきながら撮影し、フォトグラファーがポーズ指導も行いますので、初めての方でも安心です。 FaceBook、Instagram、Twitter等のプロフィール写真にもどうぞ。

Thanks for putting this here. Lots of designers don’t say how much anything costs till you actually ask them to do work. This is useful.