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The Free Adobe CS6 Master Collection Demo Download Has Bugs. Take Care! (Illustrator CS6)

Unfortunately, it looks like the original free Adobe CS6 trial/demo software has been let loose on the internet and it has bugs. So keep your money in your pockets until it gets fixed!

My trusty old CS2 works fine but from version CS3 of Illustrator it has had a refresh bug which kind of got hidden from everyone. Lucky I tried the demo in the shop before I wasted money upgrading. And in CS4, CS5 and CS6 all version of Illustrator still have the same problem. Just there is a white box hiding everything when you draw something and scroll the screen (try the line tool or shapes). The screen refreshes after you stop holding down the mouse button. The pen tool doesn’t have this problem in CS6 but the line and shape tools do. This make tracing maps a nightmare or anything else bigger than the art board.

Illustrator CS6 not showing lines

When you pay $2600 for software you expect bug free programs that are easy to use but for some reason Adobe doesn’t wanna fix this problem and many others.

I just can’t figure out why they don’t wanna fix it. Maybe if enough people complain they will do something or we can all just use the free software out there until they get their butts into gear.

Oh yeah and in CS6 if you do some line art on a Wacom Intuos 5 tablet and try to nudge it in CS6 the image moves a bit then tries to update itself every time between then nudge increments rendering the nudge tool useless.

Let’s see if the programmers surprise us this time with a fully functioning program.

Illustrator CS6 rating: 3/10

CS6 Master Collection: 7/10

Pros: Nice interface

Cons: Unfixed bugs

Release Date: Today (May 1st) Official Release Date: May 11th



It’s June 25th and Adobe still hasn’t done anything to fix Illustrator CS6. Looks like they don’t want to fix it again…

I just tried Adobe Illustrator CS6 and it sure does have the same problem. The pen tool gets a perfectly refreshed screen when scrolling but the line tool doesn’t. Why doesn’t Adobe wanna fix this problem? If the pen tool works it should be easy to fix the line tool.

Rommels says:

This problem was very annoying in Illustrator CS5. Here we go again. Isn’t there a programmer in Adobe that can fix it?

Here is a link to one of the content aware plugins.


There are a few others out there as well.

I’m sorry to hear that. Adobe told me they were going to fix that refresh problem but lied to me and didn’t do anything (T-T). After spending 148,000 yen on the first lot of programs and then being told to pay 20,000 yen extra for an update to fix it. You can imagine I wasn’t happy. The update didn’t fix anything either. It was just a CS3 update that bumped up the Acrobat version.

After that they also just told me not enough people had complained and now they aren’t going to do anything.

The worst part about Adobe software is as soon as a new version of their software comes out they stop all work on the old versions. I would just use a program like Gimp or Inkscape. You can download content aware move tool and delete plugins for Gimp like in Photoshop CS5 and CS6 as well. Freeware rocks.

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