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Category Archives: questions

CSS, WordPress, Contact Form 7, Email, Media Call, Larger, Smaller

If you are using WordPress it is easy to change the padding based on the width of the screen.

Add the following CSS code below the the CSS part of the customize area.

@media (max-width:1200px) {/below 1200/.wpcf7-form{padding:15px}}

@media (min-width:1200px) {/above 1200/.wpcf7-form{padding:0px}}

This first line of code will add 15 pixels of padding when the email form is smaller than 1,200 pixels. The second line of code will set the padding to 0 pixels when the screen is more than 1,200 pixels in width.

CSS, WordPress, Contact Form 7, Email Form, Media Call, Larger Than, Smaller Than


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Have a great day or night and make the change in the world that you want to see ^^

Everything has to start somewhere.


Glen Charles Rowell

グレン チャールズ ロウ

How do I open Mozilla Thunderbird without having all the folders on the left opened?

I was just wondering if there was a way to open up Thunderbird, but have all the folders collapsed. It would be nice to open up Thunderbird without having all my accounts showing.


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