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Category Archives: printing

Simplify3D V5.0

Thu Dec 19, 2019, 5:28 pm
Simplify3D Version 5.0 is finally here. With over 70 updates and important bug fixes.

Simplify3D customers received a development update via email.

Simplify3D (@Simplify3D) | Twitter

Gaps Between the Infill and Outline

Gaps Between the Infill and Outline

Each layer of a printed part is created using a perimeter outline and infill. The perimeter is very important as it holds the infill to make up the remainder of the shape. Infill typically uses high-speed printing settings. Because infill usually uses a different pattern than the outline of your part, it is important that these sections merge together forming a solid bond. If you see gaps between the perimeter outline and infill then there are several settings you may have to fix. Listed below are a few settings you may want to try.


1. Increase outline overlap

Simplify3D has a setting to adjust the gap/bond between the perimeter outlines and the infill. This setting is called the “Outline overlap” and it determines how much of the infill will overlap with the outline to join the two sections together. You can find the Infill tab in the “Edit Process Settings” area. The setting is based on a percentage of your extrusion width so that it easily scales and adjusts for different nozzle sizes. For example, if you are using a 20% outline overlap, it means that the software will instruct the printer so that the infill overlaps with 20% of the innermost perimeter. This overlap helps to ensure a strong bond between the different bits. As an example, if you were using an outline overlap of 25% and got gaps, try increasing the value to 35% to see if the gaps between your perimeters and infill disappear.

2. Slow down printing speeds

Infill is generally printed much faster than outlines. However, if the infill is printed too fast, it will not have enough time to bond to the outline perimeters. If you have tried increasing the outline overlap, but you are still seeing gaps between your perimeters and infill, then you should try decreasing the print speed. To do this, click “Edit Process Settings” and select the Speeds tab. Adjust the “Default Printing Speed”, which controls the speed of any movements where the extruder head is actively extruding plastic. For example, if you were previously printing at 3600 mm/min (60 mm/s), try decreasing that value by half to see if the gaps between your perimeters and infill disappear. If the gaps can no longer be seen at the lower speed, gradually increase the default printing speed until you find the best speed for your project.

3. Adjust the extruder head temperature

If the material is not set to the right temperature you might not be getting the best results. Try adjusting the extruder’s heat setting to either melt the material together or reduce problems caused by cooking the material.

Casio GE6000 Color Laser Printer Line Settings

Casio GE6000 Color Laser Printer Line Settings

Casio GE6000 Color Laser Printer Line Settings


Drawing options

You can set the options for vector drawing when generating the spool file.

[極細線補正][Hairline correction]

[Penスタイル補正][Pen style correction]

[ブラシパターン補正][Brush pattern correction]


[なし] :



[レベル0] :Level 0







Double the width of the brush pattern

[レベル1] :


<300 dpi>



<600 dpi>



<1200 dpi>


[レベル2] :

[Level 2]


<300 dpi>


Make the brush pattern 2 times larger



Make the brush pattern 4 times larger


《注 意》

[半透明補正][Semi-transparent correction]

[パス描画][Path Drawing]

[反転処理][Inversion process]

[太字補正][Bold correction]

[ROP処理補正][ROP (Raster Operation Processing) correction]

Raster operation processing




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