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Category Archives: iPhone

How do I fix iPhone Image Disappearing when Back Button is Pressed?

<iframe style="height:0px;width:0px;visibility:hidden" src="about:blank">
this frame prevents back forward cache -
this is needed on the page
for iPhones to reload the image when pressing the back button
テスト中<img style="cursor:pointer" 
src="https://a4jp.com/teamAsset-3.png" alt="Kenichi Masaki" 

Delete all iPhone bookmarks quickly

Delete all iPhone bookmarks quickly

The easiest way is to go to Settings -> then search for iCloud. Disable syncing of Safari. You will be asked what do you want to do with the synced data on your device. Simply select to delete it. Afterwards, there will be no bookmarks via your Safari browser app on the device.

Is Safari opening too slowly because of all your bookmarks?

If it is, change the folder that your iPhone shows first to speed up your phone.

Choose a folder that has a smaller number of bookmarks to show up first by default.

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