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LPO Landing Page Optimization

Homepage Design: LPO Definition

Landing page optimization (LPO) indicates a concept or measure of bringing visitors to targeted pages. LPO is done by improving parts of a webpage, to increase the conversion rate (number of views), and also reduce the bounce rate (number of people that directly leave a page from a website) by optimizing the page users first land on.

LPO’s Merit

Enhance customer’s experience. Maximize campaign return on investment (ROI). Increase conversion rates. Improve your sites usability. Learn which offers are effective.

It has been said that you can get a lot of traffic if you place ads on the Internet. And the idea of increasing access by advertising is not a mistake. However, do visitors (users) that find your site through ads look at your site with time and care? After requesting information, materials or filling out registration forms, do they take action that leads to making a profit?

Unless users find the information they really want on landing pages, they may leave your site and move on to other sites. If they cannot find the information they want, they may also get lost in your site. This leads to you missing out on potential customers from people that have visited your site, and it also makes it impossible to move on to the next step of getting conversions (work/contracts).

Thus, as a more efficient user flow to conversion, the idea of landing page optimization (LPO) was devised. You can aim to increase traffic significantly by providing an optimized landing page and as it may increase your appeal, it prevents visitors from leaving your site.

It is important to make a hypothesis and verify information that leads to conversions. The keywords and phrases that visitors are interested in should lead to the entrance page that matches the term they searched for. The main difference between each targeted visitor should be the page they land on. A4JP proposes a combination of the best keywords and landing pages devising cost-effective web marketing.


Hesitation or doubt does not increase conversion rates!
There are still not that many website landing pages

that encourage users to convert,
without hesitation or doubt.


Optimize the page for conversions and
fix landing page coding problems.


It makes it easier to get to the target page,
while reducing bounce rates (views leaving)
and increases conversion rates.

How to Optimize Your Landing Page

Know and understand your visitors.

Present a clear value proposition.

Choose the right keywords to match your content and attract targeted visitors.

Post relevant and persuasive content while delivering a consistent message.

Provide a clear Call To Action (CTA) like “SIGN UP NOW”.

Balance your content and images.

Create a user-friendly layout.

Use emotional triggers and design.

Remove distractions.

Don’t ask for too much information.

Build trust and a relationship with the user to ensure a positive memory.

Respect privacy.

Use testimonials.

Keep it simple.

Test every component of your landing page.

Optimize for speed.
Ensure pages load quickly.

Our LPO Consulting

We Conduct User Surveys
By conducting user questionnaires online, we pinpoint improvement areas from the user’s point of view, conduct surveys of competitors, and aim for more efficient proposals.

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LPO Charts

We propose a more efficient page improvement plan by digitizing the appropriateness in the design and layout of the landing page, guidance of the user, and visualizing the problems and tasks.

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Landing Page Proposals for Strategy Planning

According to the needs of search users, we propose strategy planning to uncover, address and solve key challenges at hand.

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