Sapporo Design Company
Room 506, Asahi Plaza Kairakuen, North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward, Sapporo
Hours: 7:00-24:00 TEL/FAX +81-11-768-8116
CEO: Glen Charles Rowell
50 Online (オンライン中(25ゲスト Guests 25検索ボート Bots, )

Inspirational Images

Feel free to browse the images and videos here, to discover new design interests you may have. This is for free educational talks for the non-profit organization Sapporo Art Beans and NPO Study. Groups that promote art and free educational meetups to talk about design.

NPO Study, Copyright © 2025.
For Educational Purposes Only.

NPO rules checked with Mr. Ishiba 011-211-2964 Shimin Katsudo Sokushin Tantoka.
Sapporo Community & Cultural Promotion Bureau Citizen Autonomy Promotion Office Citizenship Promotion Section
13th floor of City of Sapporo Main Government Building, Kita 1-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-8611

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