Sapporo Design Studio A4JP
[Design & Language Company]
Websites, Photography, 3D Models, etc.
Room 506, Asahi Plaza Kairauken, North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0806
Tel/Fax: +81-11-768-8116
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Sapporo Design Studio A4JP.COM
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New Year’s Card Design
Orders from 1 business card, to as many as you need! PDF print data service available. Also PDF editing.
SPECIAL 10 Postcards for 1,980 yen (Printed)
Print digital files or scan and print photos onto cards
Make original card designs with us
Or choose from our samples
Regular Fees
Original Set
Base Fee
1,470 yen
Print Fee Per Card: 48 yen
Number of Photos: 1 to 4 images
Price Example: 50 Cards: 3,870 yen
Delivery from Office: 5 to 6 days*
Delivery in Japan: 5 to 6 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ○
Full Color Set
Base Fee
From 1,470 yen
Print Fee Per Card: 48 yen
Number of Photos: 1 to 4 images
Price Example: 50 Cards: 3,870 yen
Delivery from Office: 5 to 6 days*
Delivery in Japan: 5 to 6 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ○
Kodak Set
Base Fee
From 1,470 yen
Print Fee Per Card: 48 yen
Number of Photos: 1 to 5 images
Price Example: 50 Cards: 3,870 yen
Delivery from Office: 5 to 6 days*
Delivery in Japan: 5 to 6 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ○
My Design Set
Base Fee
945 yen
Print Fee Per Card: 48 yen
Number of Photos: 自作画像
Price Example: 50 Cards: 3,345 yen
Delivery from Office: 5~6 days*
Delivery in Japan: 5 to 6 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ○
Print with Photo Set
Base Fee
From 2,940 yen (10 Cards)
Number of Photos: 1 to 2 images
Price Example: 50 Cards: 4,830 yen
Delivery from Office: 最短1時間
Delivery in Japan: 5 to 6 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ☓
Printing Set
Base Fee
From 1,200 yen (10 Cards)
Number of Photos: None
Price Example: 50 Cards: 3,450 yen
Delivery from Office: 最短1時間
Delivery in Japan: 5 to 6 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ○
Designers Set
Base Fee
5,775 to 7,350 yen
Print Fee Per Card: 65 yen
Number of Photos: 1 to 8 images
Price Example: 50 Cards: 9,025 yen(写真1枚)
Delivery from Office: 8 to 13 days*
Delivery in Japan: 8 to 13 days*
Orders from Our Office ○ Net ○
In the center square, you can include any information you would like, including:
New Year’s Eve messages from all around the world:
Belgium: Sint Sylvester Vooravond
Brazil: Ano Novo
Czech Republic: Silvestr
France: La Saint-Sylvestre
Germany: Silvester
Guatemala: Fin del Año
Iceland: Gleðilegt nýtt ár
Ireland: Oíche Chinn Bliana, Oíche na Coda Móire or Oíche Chaille
Israel: Silvester
Italy: Notte di San Silvestro
Japan: あけまして おめでとうございます! (Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!)
Mexico: Año Viejo
Netherlands: Oudejaarsavond
Scotland: Hogmanay
Spain: Nochevieja or Fin de Año
Wales: Calennig
「子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥」(ne, ushi, tora, u, tatsu, mi, uma, hitsuji, saru, tori, inu, i). Mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and wild pig/boar (nezumi, ushi, tora, usagi, tatsu/ryuu, hebi, uma, hitsuji, saru, niwatori, inu and inoshishi).
Zodiac signs of the world
Even though many countries use the zodiac like in Japan it is a little different around the world. There are some countries that use different animals! You can see the 12 animals used on the table below.
Country and Animal List
* The images below are design examples of cards we can make for you:
Here are a few colors and fonts you might want to use on your original card.
New Year’s Card Design
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